The Raleigh Aquarium Society (RAS) was founded in 1981 to "encourage and enhance the education, knowledge, and enjoyment of Society members at all levels of experience about the many aspects of the home aquatics hobby". We welcome participants at all levels of experience (including none - we all started that way!)

Upcoming Events

  • Thursday Mar 6 @ 7:30PM @ Vet School. Program: Outdoor Container Pond/Tub Enthusiasts. Discussion and Q&A with panelists: Julie Martinez-Hayes, Debbie Negron, and Sarah Lee. They will be answering your questions about tubs, outdoor plants, fish, and breeding. While they share their passion for tubbing, we invite you to send in photos of your outdoor tubs and ponds. We’d love to hear about your experiences, successes, challenges and questions you might have. This meeting promises to be a free-flowing discussion filled with valuable insights from everyone involved. Monthly auction as well. (Note: Exception to rule of Saturday meetings on odd numbered month.)

  • 2025 Monthly meeting dates here. 5 of 12 meetings are on Saturday. Add to your calendar now!!!