Breeder Awards Program

One of the coolest aspects of the hobby is seeing aquatic pets thrive and reproduce in the environment that we have created. BAP endeavors to provide a structure for hobbyists to share their experiences and be recognized for their breeding success. Wherever you are in your aquatic experience from your first aquarium to a full-blown case of multi-tank syndrome, BAP is open to everyone.

Awards include:

  • BAP Point Levels Awards: 7 levels based on the total number of cumulative points earned from 50 points up to 1,500 points

  • Breeder of the Year Award: Recognizes the breeder that accumulated the most points in the BAP year

  • Species Specialization Awards: Recognizes breeders for continued breeding success with a selected category of animals

An example of how to earn points in the BAP:

Step#1 Your guppies spawn and you raise the babies for 60 days

Step#2 You complete one of the spawn verification options, like bringing 6 of the young fish to a RAS meeting and placing them in the auction…this is a great option because you are sharing fish within the club for other members to enjoy

Step#3 You submit your online BAP entry form, and for guppies you are awarded 10 BAP points…congratulations!

If you are interested in learning more about the program please contact the RAS BAP Chairperson: